Sherman Free Library

"...not withstanding the storm Monday night, January 17, 1887, the opera house was filled by the local citizenry to show their gratitude to Mr. Sherman for his munificent gift of the Sherman Free Library and its privileges to the community."
~ Local Newspaper excerpt regarding George Riley Sherman's Library Endowment 


The original library collection contained about 2,500 books -- today the collection contains 11,000 volumes. The library offers a wide range of books for children and adults. In addition, there are CDs and DVDs that can be borrowed from the library. There is also a reference section with materials pertaining to the local mining operations and the Adirondack region in general. 

In 1975, the Board expanded the library services by joining the Clinton-Essex-Franklin Library System. CEF provides access to other services, such as down-loadable audio books. Through CEF, the library is able to borrow items from other libraries, for our local patrons.

The library has computers for public use.  Free Wi-Fi is available throughout the building.

The library was placed on the National Register of Historical Places in 1995. The library's varnished oak interior remains intact. In addition to books, the library displays historic maps, photos and paintings.

The library is governed by a Board of Trustees. The original endowment is no longer sufficient to support the library without additional funding from the Town, CEF, and our patrons.



Summer (Spring Equinox through Halloween)
Tuesday: Noon-7
Wednesday: Noon-5
Thursday: Noon-7
Friday: Noon-5
Saturday: 10-2

Winter (Halloween through Spring Equinox)
Tuesday: Noon-5
Wednesday: Noon-5
Thursday: Noon-5
Friday: Noon-5
Saturday: 10-2


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PHONE: (518) 546-7461 or email
Follow our Facebook page for current events and library news.
20 Church Street, Port Henry NY 12974 

Site Maintenance

This page is maintained by the Sherman Free Library.

This site is maintained by the
Moriah Chamber of Commerce.
